Corinne Sweeney's Fundraiser

Give the Gift of Education
Join the JustWorld End of Year Fundraiser
In early November, I had the opportunity to travel to Jocotenango with the Justworld team and saw for myself the magic of El Patojismo's and the level of work that still needs to be done. Decades of corrupt government and poverty has left education in Guatemala a rare commodity, resulting in the country being one of the most iliterate in the western hemisphere. El Patojismo's primary school is taking kids off the streets and empowering them to learn and to break the status quo. In addition to this education, the students rely on el Patojismo for regular meals and a community of support.
Even more so, El Patojismo is preparing kids for life after school, whether that's local careers in Guatemala or higher education. The newly built center of opportunities is teaching kids to succeed in popular trades like art, music, cooking, and barista work, as well as computer science and entrepreneurship to start their won businesses. Additionally, the center provides mental health counseling and resources to compete for scholarships.
Increasing the funding for this newly imagined secondary school that actually breaks young adults into successful adult lives will transform the lives of thousands in Guatemala, enabling the community to break an endless cycle of poverty. Current donations will support things like computers for the opportunity center, sports equipment to allow more kids scholarship opportunities, operational costs at both facilities, and help us towards our goal to expand this model of education to even more children.
If you're from the US, chances are you know first hand how important and special education is. This holiday season, I challenge you to swap out a present, or simply your morning coffee, and help give that gift to somebody else.
Join me in support of JustWorld International's ambitious 2025 goals to reach more students, creating teachers, coaches and leaders who can transform their neighborhoods, delivering safety, stability and opportunities to provide for their families. To realize our vision, we need your continued commitment to ensure that no child goes without an education purely because of the geography of their birth.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation this holiday season in support of these efforts.