Give the Gift of Education image

Give the Gift of Education

Join the JustWorld End of Year Fundraiser

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Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

Give the Gift of Education - Join the JustWorld End of Year Fundraiser

In 2025, we have ambitious goals to reach more students, creating teachers, coaches and leaders who can transform their neighborhoods, delivering safety, stability and opportunities to provide for their families. To realize our vision, we need your continued commitment to ensure that no child goes without an education purely because of the geography of their birth.

At JustWorld, we know that investing in education creates a ripple effect that transforms lives, families, and communities. We are even calling on our Ambassadors to jump in and lead the way in our End-of-Year Giving Competition!

We're asking our Ambassadors, donors, sponsors, and supporters to create a fundraising link for the project you're most passionate about: El Patojismo in Guatemala, PIO in Cambodia, Asociación Compartir in Honduras, or Storybook Treasures in the U.S.

We invite EVERYONE to join in on the fun. Once you pick your project and set your fundraising goal, head over to the End-of-Year Campaign folder on JustWorld’s Dropbox, where you’ll find a treasure trove of photos and text for each project. Grab what you need and get creative!

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Giving $50 Per Month

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4 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

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A Smarter Donation Page

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